
Wednesday 21 March 2018


Excerpts (Paraphrased)

Four (4) things needed to make acceleration possible
1. Start - Ask yourself; What am I not currently doing that I need to start doing to make a change possible in my life?

2. Stop - Ask yourself; What am I currently doing that is slowing my growth down?

3. More - What is it I'm doing that is good; I just need to do a bit more of it?

4. Less - What is it I can't stop doing, I don't have to stop doing, but I just need to do less of? (E.g. I can't stop eating, what I just need is to eat less portions of food)

Seven (7) areas where you need to see change in order for acceleration to happen
1. Emotional dimension - The place of your mind. Ask yourself what must I start/stop doing, do more/less of, to grow my mind? (More often than not spend your leisure time re-creating more than relaxing)

2. Physical - Your body is the vehicle of your progress meaning that you have to ensure that it is fit for purpose. Otherwise you will have a great destiny in front of you, but your engine will have knocked (Intake of too much salt, cholesterol, sugar can cause untimely death).

3. Relationships - Ask your spouse what you should start/stop doing, do more/less of, to make the relationship better. Asking this & working on the answer all year round will lead to an eternal honeymoon.

4. Professional (relationship with your career) - Things you need to start/stop doing, do more/less of, at work. Ask your boss this question even though it's not yet appraisal time. If you broach the subject with your boss they will take note that you are ready for a change & will reward it.

5. Finances - Sometimes the investment for your future comes but does not announce itself. You have to spend time acquiring more assets and less liabilities. Many people look rich but can't afford basic necessities.

6. Societal (your relationship with your neighborhood) - Be a bit more involved with your neighborhood. If you were to leave where you are living now who would know you have left?  You need to connect, you need to add value to your neighborhood, you need to add value to your country. If you want to leave your country to go overseas will your country know you have left?; will the country you are going to know you have arrived? The value of a thing is measured by the vacuum that the absence of that thing creates. If your absence creates no vacuum then your presence creates no value.

7. Spiritual - If you are going to be able to transform and accelerate your life, it is going to have to be in a spiritual place. Ladies and gentlemen, it was the hand of God that caused Elijah to overtake the chariot of Ahab.

There are certain things that are going to drive you closer to the heart of God. God loves you, but does he know you?

Ladies and gentlemen understand that God loves everyone but it is not everybody that God calls by name. In fact Moses had to ask him: "if I have found favour with you and if you know me by name...". There are some people God thinks of as the general part of a nation (i.e. "the nation of"...). There are people that God thinks of as in numbers (" Of the sons of Isachaar there were 200 chiefs"). Who are they? We don't know. 

And then there are some people that God calls "a certain man" but THEN... there are some people that God calls by name. BUT... then there are some people that are so close to His heart, that He calls them by their lineage; He will refer to their father and refer to their sons.

Your values are the thing that will transform your life the most because as a man thinketh in his heart so is he. God said do not be conformed to the pattern of thinking of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind (through the word). In other words God said it's all in your mind. If you are going to accelerate you have to accelerate in your mind. It is how you accelerate in your mind that shows up in everything else.

Don't forget that acceleration is fast-paced growth.

10 Values each Nigerian must live by to make national acceleration possible are;
  • Make A Positive Impact On Everyone I Meet & Everywhere I Go.
  • Be Solution Providers And  Not A Part Of The Problem To Be Solved.
  • Be Role Models Worthy Of Emulation.
  • Be My Best In All That I Do Particularly The Things I Am Naturally Good At.
  • Do the Right Thing At All Times, Regardless Of Who Is Doing The Wrong Thing.
  • Value Time & Make The Best Use Of It.
  • Care And Show Respect Through My Words And My Actions.
  • Consciously Build A Great Legacy Starting Now, Today And Everyday.
  • Live A Life Of Integrity And Honour.
  • Make My Family, My Nation And My God Proud.

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