
Thursday, 26 April 2018

Dr. D.K. Olukoya: Recipe for Failure

Dr. D.K. Olukoya - Recipe for failure

1.) Giving sin any foothold in your life.

2.) Allowing the entrance of the enemy into your life.

3.) Eating at the dining table of darkness (i.e. eating anywhere and anything in an indiscriminate manner) - Watch what & where you eat. Pray over your food before eating it always.

4.) Allowing the enemy to construct a building in your life - Never allow a buildup of anything evil in your life.

5.) Allowing a satanic exchange of your destiny in your life - Palm reading, consulting false satanic prophets, native doctor visit, Astrology (manipulations of people’s stars to comply with the instructions of the enemy occurs when individuals read and follow these).

6.) Allowing yourself to be demoted to the animal level - Behaving like a sexual maniac will put you into serious trouble. Don’t allow it to happen in your life.

7.) Allowing anger to control your life - If you go to bed angry the devil becomes your bed fellow. Anger starts with insanity and will always end with regret. The best antidote for anger is complete silence when offended.

8.) Allowing unforgiveness against anybody.

9.) Harboring hatred against anyone - The bible says “whosoever hateth his brother is a murderer.” Hatred is the handcuff used by demons and will reintroduce them no matter how many deliverance sessions you go for.

10.) Allowing dishonesty - Tell the truth always and everywhere. Any lie/ falsehood in your life will catch up with you.

11.) Failure to tame your tongue - Talking anyhow to anybody without being able to control your mouth utterances.

12.) Allowing your appetite to control you - Eat and stand up when you are filled up. Don’t eat until you get uncomfortable just because there is free food.

13.) Allowing worry and anxiety to control your life - The bible says “be careful for nothing, let not your heart be troubled, believe in God and believe in me (Jesus) also.”

14.)  Allowing abominable materials to be in your possession - Everything you put on your body and in your possession can pollute your life and cause trouble for yourself. Be careful what you wear (rings, artefacts, apparel, clothing) and own as it can put you into bondage.

15.) Taking what does not belong to you (stealing) - Can also be in the form of wishing you have another person’s things, secretly admiring those who cheat and get away with it, being only scared of consequences of stealing but wishing you could, wishing you could take something away from someone, being fascinated with the concept of getting something for nothing (lottery, gambling), cleverly confiscating something lent to you in the hopes that they don’t ask for it, leaving  early from workplace without taking permission, converting office equipment for personal use, using work time to conduct extended prayers at the expense of being productive on the job, extending lunch break, cheating in exams, forgery.

All the above truncate destiny..

What to do to prevent this recipe from taking root in your life
1.) Watch and pray

2.) Become an addict of the bible. Read your bible

3.) Be led by the spirit

Sin has been redefined. Pride now = class, drunkenness now = just being social, indiscipline now = freedom, 419/thief now = being smart, lies now = being diplomatic, gossiper now = just sharing. 

Whatever name you call it, sin is still sin.

Note: The above WILL be as impossible as most people think it is unless deliverance is obtained (through any of; revelation through deep bible study, structured corporate deliverance session in a specialized ministry or private prayers using relevant information obtained from subject-related manuals, becoming born again, baptism of the holy ghost, sanctification through continuous holy living/separation from iniquity, or breakage of satanic yokes and evil patterns through prayer and fasting)  to remove spiritual blockage to hearing, sensing and seeing information from the holy spirit.

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