
Friday 20 April 2018

Fela Durotoye - Twenty (20) things you must know before turning 30

1. You must discover yourself - it is discovery that enlists you for life not necessarily birth. You can be born but you're useless.

2. You must have learnt how to use your gifting to solve problems definitely.

3. You must have got some ideas on how to make money.

4. You must have known the definition of love and know how to propose -  NOT romantic fleeting emotions but as described in 1 Corinthians 13. 

5. You must have read at least 30 books and own a minimum of 30 books.

6. You should be responsible enough to have a Pastor over your life as a spiritual covering - Everything you desire for your life growth will be in the Church you are supposed to attend, don't be sentimental in choosing your Pastor.

7. You should be known for something.

8. You should have a mentor over your life - Respect their time and honor them.

9. Must have learnt how to say no without feeling guilty.

10. You ought to have conquered procrastination which is the lazy man's apology.

11. You should be free to use your mind. If things are not going well check who has been doing your thinking for you (parents peers, television? etc.) know who you want to be and pursue it. Life is measured by the capacity of your mentality; free yourself with your mind.

12. You should have a bank account.

13. You should have an investment eg. Shares, land, treasury bills.

14. Must have developed stability of character and be able to be taken for who you say you are - In terms of self-control, you will see many enchanting people even when you are married, but it is the state of your heart that will matter.

15. Must be able to choose your friends - Not have people forcing themselves on you. An eagle that lives with chickens will soon forget how to fly.

16. Learn professional dining etiquette - Pastor EA. Adeboye missed a chance to travel to the United States of America on a study scholarship and it took him another 40 years to get a second opportunity to travel there despite being an A student at the time. This was because he was ignorant of proper dining and table manners and subsequently disqualified by the evaluators.

17. You should be able to define your life vision in one sentence.

18. You should be able to drive a car (not necessarily own one immediately).

19. You must have the financial ability to feed another person.

20. Should be born again and know how to love God.

Exhortation from Mr. Durotoye
Many people exist not doing anything deliberate about the future. They're just around with excuses.

When asked what plan they have for the next five years they answer by saying - “I'm still in school or I'm still serving, or i'm still looking for a job”.

If you look at the people who are high flyers in life they are people who had plans early in their lives and carried them out. A man who cannot plan has nothing to live for because life places a demand on you to plan.

If you have a purpose to pursue, it becomes imminent to plan. So many people are not planning for their lives that is why we have many people who have dreamed at some point in their lives but now have nothing to show for it.

A man of discovery has seen how he can contribute to life definitely. Life is all about contribution. You can be wealthy without being great, if Professor Wole Soyinka didn't have a house he would still be considered as great because he has contributed to his generation in a definite way and discovered how he can not be ignored. He has an open cheque to create English words for the world's English dictionary.

You cannot do better than your thinking which is directly proportional to the measure of information you live by and with. There are too many empty minds that are properly dressed moving about the streets with nothing to contribute. If you don't have the right mind it doesn't matter how well you dress; you are just a nonentity waiting to be revealed.

Every one of us is born with a mind to do things that can give God rest. There's a diamond inside of you but you have to find it.

Until a man discovers himself he remains on the lowest profiles of life. He will be downtrodden, lightly esteemed, lowly looked down upon, and operating from the lower echelons of society. You are not respected because you have grey hair. Grey hair may be a mark of length of life but not proof of contribution to life.

Until you know your gifting you can't become a gift to your world. A man who is not a gift cannot be celebrated. A birthday is the anniversary of the year you discovered the purpose you were born for not an anniversary of the day you were born (Jeremiah 1:9). If you can't define your purpose....just sleep when it's your birthday.

The greatest thing to happen to you is to know yourself because it is tied to your self-esteem. People who suffer from the weight of inferiority complex are people who don't know themselves. People who don't know themselves depend on people for their self-definition.

For as long as you don't know yourself people will continue to tell you who you are and if you live by their definitions you can never be yourself because; different people have different opinions about you. You just continue to vacillate between one person's opinion to the other's. A man who cannot define himself cannot be stable.

You don't depend on other people to know who you are, you depend on revelation to do so. People may be saving up to buy you music equipment because they think you are a musician but you're saving up to buy golfing equipment. When you succeed they will forget what you studied.

Just ask yourself; What University did famous golf player Tiger Woods study in? - No one really cares. School is good but it is important you discover yourself as; when you do, the world will arise at the revelation of the treasures in you. Discovery gives you authority.

Some people living are just over stretching the social amenities and should give way. If at age 30 you have not discovered yourself then you need to sit up tight because time is passing you by.  

When you stand on the shoulders of people who have gone ahead of you, you will see far ahead...

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1 comment:

  1. Really insightful and well written. Looking at that list, I know I'm not ready to be 30 yet lol!...I'm happy I read this first thing on a Monday Morning.
