
Wednesday 1 November 2017

About us

Hello and welcome to Anointed links! 

I thank God for the opportunity to hang out with you here.

One of our passions is sharing helpful links and we have come with one simple transform the world by going against the grain; providing content that's probably the opposite of what you may be used to seeing on the internet. Stuff that will actually help to improve your life *gasps*.

That being said, this is not your typical blog where posts are created consistently. This is more of a living breathing life form in that it is spirit controlled and so, posts may not be seen for days, months or years and then suddenly a few or many may appear.

Our sincere wish is for lives to be changed positively and that ultimately; people will be able to mark their names in the sands of time for good.

Enough about us and Anointedlinks. Let's get started...

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