
Tuesday, 15 May 2018

20 Keys to Recover What the Enemy Has Stolen - Dr. D.K. Olukoya

1. Get born again (not negotiable).

2. Never think or speak negatively about yourself (it will put you in disagreement with God if you do).

3. Have a divine encounter - Everyone in the bible that was ever useful to their generation had an encounter with God. If god visits you you don't have to pray for prosperity or healing it will come you need to have a divine encounter.
4. Let your flesh die it is the greatest enemy in our camp but opens the door to the enemy e.g. when you lose your temper or fornicate. the bible says the flesh profiteth nothing. If your flesh is still alive and you'll do anything at any time when you want, God cannot give you His power. No matter how much a father loves his four-year-old son, he will not give him a gun because that power is too much for him.

5. Be filled with the holy ghost the bible says he shall receive power after the holy ghost is come upon you

6. Be a prayer addict Let prayer become your oxygen.

7. Be a bible addict read it every day, every time; let it become part and parcel of your life what is on record in history it has been impossible to enslave a bible-reading people.

8. Engage in purposeful fasting don't run away from fasting. Every believer is supposed to have at least one day in the week you fast. Fasting deadens the flesh so that the spirit can rise.

9. Memorize scripture meditate on scripture.

10. Do not compare yourself to anybody else. You are unique and you are one of a kind. You are an original so don't settle for being a photocopy.

11. Focus on your potentials and not on your limitations.

12. Be a God pleaser, not a man-pleaser. Do things to please God, don't try to please men. No matter what you do, you can't please everyone anyway. So the best person to please is God.

13. Learn to handle criticism. If you are criticized, no problem; look at what they have said and correct it if they are right. If they are wrong forget it. Let the criticism develop you instead of discouraging you.

14. Be persistent, never give up.

15. Choose the right relationships pray before you marry pray before you have friends cause that could destroy your destiny.

16. Discover your own destiny know why God brought you here.

17. Conquer your fears let fear depart from your life. Bible says be careful for nothing; So don't allow fear to bury your faith.

18. Go out of your way to be a blessing to others.

19. Be broken be humble God will exalt the humble but He will pull down the proud.

20. Ensure you complete your deliverance because if the enemy is operating in any part of your life and you don't push the enemy out it will affect you from overtaking others.

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