
Thursday 5 April 2018

Rick Warren - Finding the Love of Your Life

If energy, ambition, values, goals, educational, spiritual background are not the same as your partner but you're in love don't go ahead. Just because you love someone doesn't mean you should marry them. They must be a believer.

There is no one right spouse - If one person's perceived soul mate from God marries a wrong spouse (which has happened multiple times in this world already) , then that means the soulmate chain will be broken for everyone on earth. God can only guide you towards the right spouse not choose them for you.

Just because you fall in love with someone doesn't mean you should marry them.
If you want success, God's blessings, on your marriage.

Bare minimum of must-haves from the bible that you and your partner must jointly possess to marry:
(1.) Spiritual unity (regularly attend church weekly together , pray together and read the bible together) - You must both Believe the same thing about God that is both be believers.

(2.) Life purpose compatibility (same direction, reason, purpose in life). You're not ready to marry until you know your purpose in life. The purpose of marriage is to make you more effective in fulfilling your purpose in life.

(3.) You must both be emotionally healthy
(not perfect though because anybody you marry will be broken)

Warning signs and good signs to look out for;

(1.) Whoever you marry must have no uncontrolled anger (Proverbs 22:24)

(2.) Must have no addictions (Alcohol, porn, videogames, excess shopping) Proverbs 23:20

(3.) No bitterness (They have to deal with it before they deal with you). Whatever you resent you begin to resemble, whatever you resist, persists (Hebrews 12:15). If you want to know how your husband will treat you look at how they treat their parents (Proverbs 20:20). No matter how horrible they were, Honouring your parents is the only commandment with a promise.

(4.) Whoever you marry must not be selfish (eg. Talk and care about themselves only) - Proverbs 28:25; 18:21.

(5.) Must not be greedy (Proverbs 15v27). If you marry a greedy spouse you will be in debt all your life (Proverbs 23v6).

(6.) Must be generous and kind (Proverbs 11:17, 25).

(7.) An emotionally healthy person that tells the truth (Proverbs 20:7). Love is based on trust and trust is based on truth. Don't lie to a person you are dating or you will do the same when married. Don't marry someone who doesn't have integrity.

In this entire list there was not one word about appearance of mate. The world's culture teaches that the number one thing to should search for is looks with romantic feelings, sexual attraction, desire to get rid of your loneliness, as add-ons. This is a wrong premise because if this were true the longest marriages would be hollywood ones (Ask Kim Kardashian).

God always gives His best to those who leave the choice to Him (His word is Him)
A bad marriage is a 1,000 times worse than staying single.

In your first few dates spend more time talking than you do engaging in fun activities that don't allow chance for dialogue.
(Proverbs 28:23)

Don't date until your emotional hurts/baggage are healed or in the healing process. Marriage does not create problems, it reveals them. The more your issues are dealt with before marriage, the more fulfilling your marriage will be. Discover and clarify your mission first. Get involved in your local church. Go slow, find out their family background. Get pre-marriage counseling before getting married.

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