
Tuesday, 7 August 2018

What is Spiritual Maturity?: Dr. D.K Olukoya

So we've heard the word spiritual maturity mentioned all over the place; but what exactly does it mean? Let's allow Dr. D.K.O explain below;

Spiritual Maturity is;
1. The degree and fullness of inward growth to which the holy spirit wants to bring every true child of God

2. Much more than the experience of salvation and water baptism - The fact you occupy positions of seniority in the church does not mean you are mature.

3. The formation of the Christ in us. Praying for the Lord to make you conform to his image is more powerful than asking your enemies be destroyed.

God is more interested in the first prayer because immediately you conform to His son's image the enemy is no issue.

One question to ask yourself is; are you becoming more like Christ everyday or more like the devil?

4. The attainment of spiritual adulthood and manhood in and through Jesus Christ by becoming one with him and the Father.

5. Being completely immersed in Christ (Christ in you the hope of glory).

6. Being identified with Jesus in his life, death and resurrection.

7. Being able to boldly say what Paul said in Galatians 2:20 (I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.) I.e When your members are crucified & for example; you do not retaliate when you normally ought to.

8. It is the mystery of godliness repeated in us. When Christ is formed in you and powers of darkness become fearful upon your arrival.

9. Growth into Christ by the transforming power of the holy spirit's work in us.

10. Not imitating Christ but living him (i.e. as he did).

11. Not artificial or superficial holiness but genuine and real holiness that is effected through us.

12. Not old age or grey hair.

13. Not the mere possession of spiritual gifts (There is a big difference between spiritual maturity and spiritual gifts). The fact that a person is manifesting the gifts of the spirit does not mean that he/she is not a baby inside.

14. Is simply Christ-likeness.

15. To be emptied of self and to be what the Lord wills for and from us - All of flesh is emptied from your life. All the things that people are running after "I must wear this, I must look good" becomes meaningless to you because the flesh is gone.

16. Coming up to the standard of God.

17. That our thinking process will be in line with the word of God. We can never experience transformation in our lives as long as our minds are still unrenewed and unregenerated.

18. The ability to discipline your tongue. Just as a Dr. can check a patients tongue to identify that he is sick; so in the spirit a sick tongue indicates a sick life. Babyish tongue a babyish life.

19. Ability to instruct others.

20. Ability to discern between the true and false.

21. Ability to advance from elementary teaching.

22. Being rich in good works and living a life of usefulness and fruitfulness.

23. Having the right attitude to the things of life.

24. Godly reaction to painful experiences.

25. Seeking those things that are above.

26. Having intimate relationship with the Lord and walking in love towards our fellow believers (See 1Corinthians Chapter 13).

27. Having a knowledge of the mystery of God.

28. Being willing to please God at every cost. No matter what He is requiring you are ready to go.

29. The opposite of having purity without power, or gifts without the giver.

30. To choose confidence instead of fear. Mature believers don't fear.

31. Engaging in careful instead of haphazard study.

32. Choosing unity instead of disunity.

33. Having a servant's heart..a servant's spirit. Anybody who wants to be a good leader must have a servant's heart.

34. Having a humble mentality (i.e humility).

35. Having a bold faith.

36. Being less dependent upon spectacular manifestations of God and more involved in intimate day-to-day fellowship with God. 

37. Shifting our attention from self to others.

38. Being constantly aware of our own deep spiritual needs.

39. Being open and receptive to change due to a willingness to improve one's relationship with God.

40. Having joy in obeying the Lord at all times.

Seven Principles to Move you to Maturity
1. Meditation on the word of God.
2. Purposeful prayer.
3. Fasting.
4. Giving.
5. Launching spiritual warfare.
6. Worship.
7. Workings; spiritual work i.e. You must be busy for the Lord.

Questions that can be used to conduct a self-check
Are you known as a Christian in your place of work or where you live?

Have people seen Christ in you and they want to follow you?

Are there some people that are outside the Church because you are inside it?

Are you the kind of person who is ashamed of Christ?

Are you a spiritual coward?

It is easy to pretend in  church but does your life glorify God at home?

Are you the kind of person who criticizes other Christians in the presence of your loved ones?

Do you mount a constant guard over your tongue?

Is it possible that even as a Christian you are nursing the spirit of revenge?

With all the messages you hear are you trying to cleverly conceal sin?

If we remain as babies we will become spiritual slaves therefore spiritual maturity is a must.

1. Every power that wants me to remain a spiritual baby, scatter in the name of Jesus.

2. Every manipulation assigned to cage my life; die in the name of Jesus.

3. Every satanic gangup to steal from my destiny scatter in the name of Jesus.

4. Every power assigned to steal my wealth, you are a liar die in the name of Jesus.

5. Every stranger in my destiny die in the name of Jesus.

6. Every branch of rebellion in my family tree;die in the name of Jesus.

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