
Monday, 11 February 2019

Financial Deliverance: Dr. D.K Olukoya


The first thing the anointing does is to preach the gospel to the poor.

Jesus came to break the backbone of poverty by preaching the gospel to the poor.

Poverty can exist in physical (health), spiritual, or material form (finances).

Every country which has the gospel as its foundation is prosperous; any country where the gospel is given a free flow always has prosperity (2nd Corinthians 8:9, Matthew 27:5).

Money...what is it? 
- Paper and coins with value attached to it. 

- The most acceptable form of exchange.

- Your sweat, energy, gift, and blood.

What is financial deliverance? 
- Freedom from debt

- Eating what you want and not what you see.

- Not being dependent on your parents or others for livelihood and sustenance.

- Being able to provide adequately for yourself and family 

- Having the basic needs of life met.

- Having more income than expenditure.

- Being able to lend and not borrow.

💰Money has put human beings into a battle that does not end. You should therefore not allow money dispatch you out of this world before your time.

💰Money is made for you; you are not made for it.

💰 Money can put you into direct confrontation with your destiny; no wonder the bible says, it is the blessing of the Lord that maketh rich and addeth no sorrow (paraphrased). 

💰Quick money is quick death, but when you are hard-working, God will bless you. 
You cannot order the sun to rise before its time. You should not do anything wrong in order to become wealthy. If you do, your generation will regret it. 

💰There has never been any peace in wrong money. Money has a voice; To listen to its voice, is to marry a cobbler.

💰Money is an ancient power which is strong and deceitful.
It controls people and makes them to do all kinds of evil things. Money has collected blood from individuals and their relations.

💰Money has deceived kings and confused nations.

💰Money has turned formally innocent people to murderers.

💰Money has separated friends and relatives.

💰Money has removed trust from any homes and more than anything money has sent many people to hell fire.

💰It has made many ladies sexually loose (sleeping with animals etc.) 

💰 Money that doesn't come from God is not a blessing because of the spiritual force called mammon.

Why do Men Suffer from Financial Bondage? 
- Generational curses (lineage of poverty) 

- Wrong foundation (academic, business, marital etc.)

- Forced responsibilities (having to look after too many people financially) 

- Unwise investment 

- Laziness

- Living beyond your means 

- Stealing and sharp practices 

- Wrong job, work or business which God didn't ask you to do.

- Lack of savings.

- Having more expenditure than income Stealing from God by not giving tithes and offerings (Read your bible very well every successful person there tithed).

- Failure to honour pledges.

- Tight-fistedness and stinginess.

- Disobedience to God's leading

- Living in debt

- Negative confessions using your mouth to run your finances down.

- Demonic activities or attacks.

How do you attain Financial Freedom? 

There are two ways;
1.) Through your work 

2.) Through your giving to God

The bible says he who doesn't work must not eat. Man must work and work hard. God did not place man here to be lazy and indolent and jobless.
Your work must be God's idea and have a future 
Many people have come to financial ruin because they don't give or they don't give enough. If God finds that He cannot withdraw from you, He will stop depositing in you.

Steps to Financial Freedom
- You must aggressively and violently deal with the power of poverty.

- You must never allow money to be #1 in your life 

- Avoid debt 

- Seek God's leading in what you intend to do/are doing.

- High integrity and honesty must be in everything you are doing. 

- Give unto God as documented and enjoined in scripture (give thankfully systematically readily proportionately to what you have and unselfishly).

1.) Bow down your head and confess any financial sin to God.

2.) Foundational poverty you are a liar die in the name of Jesus 

3.) My wealth buried in the earth come forth in the name of Jesus

4.) Every arrow of fired into my prosperity die in the name of Jesus.

5.) Garment of poverty catch fire in the name of Jesus.

6.) You financial killer of my father's house I am not your candidate therefore die in the name of Jesus.

7.) Expected and unexpected financial breakthrough locate me by fire in the name of Jesus.

8.) Poverty activator dreams hear the word of the Lord scatter in the name of Jesus.

9.) Every power assigned to trouble my Israel this year, the God of Elijah shall trouble you today in the name of Jesus.

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