Sit on the sacrifice of Jesus. When we sit, we transfer the weight of our bodies to what we are sitting on. If we stand, our weight is transferred to our bodies.
"Sit at my right hand while I make your enemies your footstool"
Operate from a place of rest where you rest in Jesus's sacrifice.
Don't let your heart get agitated. Man has a vision already placed in their heart but there is a time for God to work the thing out. E.g. Adam recognizing Eve after rejecting what was presented initially to him.
The devil wants us to act rashly because when you stand up to fix the issue prematurely without divine instruction, you forfeit the finished work.
('In returning and in rest shall you be saved, in quietness and confidence. I asked them to return unto me where they can find rest for their souls but they would not'.... Paraphrased)
When you have no man-made strategy planned out because your heart has freed from stressing and overthinking, the lines start to fall into you in pleasant places. That is when you know the father has subdued. Your reigns are now instructing you. You now begin to walk because you have first sat down and done certain things in a place of rest with God. The battle is to enter into rest. The devil knows that once you take that posture of rest in your soul, he will be subdued. You enter rest when you don't try to do it where the result will look like it was you that worked out the victory for yourself.
Labor to enter into a place of unwavering belief where your heart is at rest. You have to work on your heart inside you before any work is done on the outside by you. You are pursuing the vision with everything you can but you are no longer moved on the outside. That is the point you have entered into rest. It can also be called a root canal treatment of your heart.
Hold fast your confession of your desire with praise. Know from the word of God that the thing has been accomplished by Christ. Ask that God opens the eyes of your heart to see the finished work of Christ regarding the promise.
With prayer and reading his word, you begin to encounter scripture regarding the promise. When you mix this with praise and do this practice daily, you start growing in grace.
When the breakthrough comes, you may not even be impressed with its outer manifestation but rather, with the inner work God has accomplished in you.
Psalm 110:1, Psalm 8:2 (the rod of strength), Matt 21:16 (Praise is the rod of strength used to rule in the midst of your enemies)
Praise God for that thing you desire as if it had already been done even if it is still distant in coming.
You can take existing songs and change the lyrics to communicate personal praise to God. Your heart may still be heavy at this point.
Declare the word of God continuously over the situation as a sort of root canal treatment toward the situation.
After some time, your heart will be in perfect agreement and you have entered into rest.
You become detached even though your heart wants that thing. It doesn't affect your joy level again. You don't go into mood swings again. You've been circumcised by the sword of the spirit. You become detached from inordinate affection.
Don't ignore the instructions of your heart at this point. Follow your intuition as you will start to be guided by the holy spirit toward the outer working of the promises' fulfillment.
At this point the labor of rest has been accomplished.
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