As a minister you must understand that in order to fulfill ministry you need men; you need help. That help you need will come from God (Hebrews 5:4, Prov 14:28,), the Bible, and man. As a man, you can receive nothing except you receive from God.
Seven (7) Ways to Attract Destiny Helpers to your Ministry
1) You need a well defined vision - Your vision determines your attraction.
2) You need to be in the right location - Because God will always send your allocation to the location that He has allotted for you (1 Kings 17:3-4). We see in that scripture though, that after a while, the Brook Cherith dried up so this shows that revelation can change.
If you're supposed to be in Maryland Lagos but are in Maryland USA, your allocation will be getting sent elsewhere and you will be frustrated.
If you're supposed to be in Maryland Lagos but are in Maryland USA, your allocation will be getting sent elsewhere and you will be frustrated.
You can be in a location and God says it's time to move and you say “no” but revelation is progressive and God can change the instruction.
3) You need the right packaging - Your look determines who looks at you. Your presentation determines your attraction. (1 Kings 10:4-5). There is a way you present yourself that when destiny helpers see you they say; “If we give this person 10 million naira he will backslide and so they reduce it to 10,000 naira.
There is a way you set up ministry with excellence that when people come and offering time is announced; when they try to bring out 50 naira they'll be ashamed and increase it.
As regards Church growth there is something called Social Strangulation; that can affect the growth of a ministry - The sitting arrangement, lighting, ventilation, toilet condition/availability, children's church, environment etc.
When people come to your church and there is no toilet (a lot of Churches don't have or only one toilet is available) and they have running stomach, they won't attend again or when there is nowhere to drop children.
When people come to your church and there is no toilet (a lot of Churches don't have or only one toilet is available) and they have running stomach, they won't attend again or when there is nowhere to drop children.
4) You need integrity - Lying about miracles, promising someone something you don't do, raising offering for a visiting man of God and embezzling some of it, will lead to the death of the Church.
5) Impart and impact people's lives - When you bless people; when their transformation is traceable to your ministry, it's very difficult for them to depart. If you want destiny helpers, don't bless them so they can bless you, bless them to be a blessing.
Focus on making impact in the lives of people as a man of God (Jude 21- 23, Romans 1:11-12). When you trust people they will be committed not to betray the trust but when you don't, they will know you don't and for them nothing changes.
Focus on making impact in the lives of people as a man of God (Jude 21- 23, Romans 1:11-12). When you trust people they will be committed not to betray the trust but when you don't, they will know you don't and for them nothing changes.
Don't micromanage every unit. Publicly validate their efforts and messages when they preach/work and the day they want to manifest wrongly, it is other people that would stand up for you by saying things like “after all Pastor has done for you this is what you want to do?”
6) You need to pray them into your life - (John 1:6) Pray “Lord send men oh God, I need a choir coordinator oh God send him, Lord I need an administrator send one, Lord I need etc.” (1 Sam 10:26) There are people whose hearts God will touch to help you who will just say “I like this man”. They will be committed such that even you cannot drive them away as they would refuse to go.
When you need help, pray for God to send men. God is the one that gives. Communicate your wishes and desires to God in prayer.
Pray that God raise men AND send men. Prayer for men to be raised means they will develop but may leave when they don't have an outlet to express the fire within them.
if you also pray for men to be sent, then men that other ministries have raised will be sent to yours.
if you also pray for men to be sent, then men that other ministries have raised will be sent to yours.
7) You need good people management ability - This is where many ministries fail. They lose men because they don't know how to manage people.
There are people you raise that start out as your spiritual children but may become advisors who discover some dimensions you don't even know. You have to listen to them and not think they should be children forever.
There are people you raise that start out as your spiritual children but may become advisors who discover some dimensions you don't even know. You have to listen to them and not think they should be children forever.
When you try to open up dimensions some Pastors have not seen, they make the mistake of quoting tradition so; relationship management is key. God can send a man to a minister whose insecurity can drive them away.
Many Pastors can not handle charismatic individuals - people who when they hold the microphone for five minutes and the congregation gets excited; the Minister benches them.
Do not be threatened by your son or daughter in the Lord.
What you don't know you don't know - if someone with a specific anointing comes visiting; instead of striving with them, make them consultants. For example, a Minister with anointing for handling cult members can be contacted whenever the issue arises in your Church.
Three (3) sets of people and how you can manage them
1.) People that are above you - Don't stress them; respect their time, privacy, and space. Don't contact them only when you need them to solve your problems; bless them whenever you can.
- Make a deposit in them not just constant withdrawals.
- Do not be parasitic.
- Get straight the point when in their presence because they are busy people.
- Don't ramble on - respect their time don't abuse their time, the privilege, or relationship of Pastors.
- Don't take them for granted as, humility is not stupidity.
2) People that are below you
i) Don't look down on them - Paul Eneche was an ordinary member under a particular ministry but is now huge in the grand scheme of things. He that is above (God) lifts men up so, those that are below you won't be there forever and care should be taken to not despise them. You don't know what they will become tomorrow.
ii) Don't ignore them - Respond to their texts, emails etc even if it is just to let them know that you will not be responding further to what they have sent.
iii) Don't abuse them - Don't insult your Church workers especially in an open manner with others present if not they will leave.
3) People that are on the same level with you - Don't take them for granted; we may be age mates, but not grace mates.
Someone may be your age mate, but you must learn to respect grace and honour and appreciate it - Honor each other. Sow to other ministries of your colleagues that are graced in particular areas of whose anointing you want to tap into. For example, Olumide emmanuel sowed 1,000 dollars into reverend Sam adeyemi’s church for a whole year when he wanted to open a new branch of his own Ministry.
Someone may be your age mate, but you must learn to respect grace and honour and appreciate it - Honor each other. Sow to other ministries of your colleagues that are graced in particular areas of whose anointing you want to tap into. For example, Olumide emmanuel sowed 1,000 dollars into reverend Sam adeyemi’s church for a whole year when he wanted to open a new branch of his own Ministry.
How to identify members of your church that are a gift from God to help you and those that aren't
Those that are sent will be touched to help while those that aren't will despise your Ministry and bring no offering.
Those sent to help will give you vital information (1 Sam 10:26)
1.) God will let you know - You will sense it.
2.) They will respect you - They will reverence you when helping you, even when God is using them.
3.) They will bless you with seed, offering, support - If the number of people some Pastors have blessed just gave him one thousand naira per head, they would go far. But most people collect and don't think for one second that Pastors have problems too. Be intuitive to discern the way to respond to the needs of your Pastors without them having to tell you.
4.) They bring relevant information - On applications softwares information that will assist your journey things that will make your life easier.
5.) Their mindset is to help you not to collect - No one likes someone who is around them to just collect so don't do the same.
6) They excuse your faults and embrace your strengths - They understand that you can manifest weaknesses at times but excuse them and still love you those that are sent to help you will emphasize your weaknesses and uncover them.
7) They enjoy fellowship with you - They are ever present at your events they just enjoy your presence.
8) They are compelled to carry your cross for you - Willing to still be faithful and make sacrifices during hard times your ministry is going through.
9) They pray for you - Ministry can be stressful and frustrating on the lives, families, children, finances and emotions of Pastors so pray for them (Matthew 26:40) .
10) They never leave you until they have fulfilled the purpose of why God sent them into your life - They won't leave you halfway, but be there until it is evident that they have fulfilled purpose (John 5:7, Deuteronomy 33:6).
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Thank you for sharing. God bless you.
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