Monday, 25 June 2018

The Battle Field of The Mind - Dr. Olumide Emmanuel

Some Facts;
- The mind is the seat of imaginations, thoughts and mindsets.

- The mind is the battlefield.

Divine anatomy 
Man is divided into three parts;
- Spirit, soul, body

- Understanding that your mind is the battlefield changes the sin issue, sin consciousness; changes demonology & deliverance issue. It helps sort out the State of mind issue.

- Your choices thoughts & decisions are what give access to the enemy in your life.

Hebrews 2:14,15 (AMPC version) - When Jesus died the ability of Satan to bring death into the life of believers has been destroyed.

- Through fear of death you can be subject to bondage for a lifetime if you do not renew your mind.

- The state of your mind determines the state of your life.

- Develop your spirit to a level where the enemy cannot mess up your mind and your spirit is quenched.

Matthew 6:25 (AMPC version)

- Do you believe more in God's promise or a rich man's promise. The proof of your belief is your actions.

Seven (7) States of Mind You Need to Develop to Win the Battlefield of the Mind
[1.] Mindset - What have you set your mind on that has become an obstacle and self- fulfilling prophecy that keeps you from succeeding (e.g. “There is no money in this country”, “Nobody wants to help anybody in this country”)

[2.] Mind shift - Renewal through transformation of mind using God's word.

[3.] Mind speed - Ability of time it takes an individual to grasp concepts.

[4.] Mind-scope - Degree of exposure to multiple aspects of life.

[5.] Mind-sight - Your mind has eyes. Use it to create a picture of a good future. Set a positive vision for your life. Have faith in your future so as not to backslide and create problems with scandalous acts that will haunt your future.

[6.] Mind map - Experiences you go through repeatedly become a map in your mind i.e. become second nature. Done unconsciously as habit.
 We must not resist positive change that can transform our lives due to our desire to cling to the old and familiar comfort zone.

[7.] Mind gap - The gap between what you are and where you ought to be. This needs to be filled by attending educational seminars, reading books on subjects regarding spirituality, health, finances, relationships etc. The distance between what you know and what you are ignorant of.

God’s Mind Syllabus (Philippians 4:8)
- Do not program your mind with junk media and news reports. Once you see the beginning of negative messages or headlines, change the channel, switch off etc.

- Don't carry on listening or watching because you are curious. Don't program yourself for calamity and trouble.

- You win the battle of the mind by following the syllabus of heaven and rejecting anything contrary to it that comes in through your eyes and ears.

1.) Whatsoever things are just, true, honest, pure, lovely, of good report, worthy of virtue and praise that shall I think upon in the name of Jesus.

2.) Every programming of the enemy & this world that my mind has been subjected to, which is contrary to the covenant of Heaven I command it to be purged by the blood of Jesus.

3.) God has not given me the spirit of fear but of love and of power and a sound mind. In the name that is above every name, may the sound mind of heaven take over every contrary mindset operating around and within my life in Jesus name.

4.) Whatever has been contending with the mind of Christ in me, I command it to be subdued in Jesus name.

5.) Every bondage of fear, worry, doubt and torment I command it to be broken in Jesus name.

6.) To be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life & peace. Every carnality in my mind, every naturalness that is contending with the divine in my life; I command it to fail in the name of Jesus.

7.) A double minded man is unstable in all his\her ways and cannot receive from God; Every double mindedness in my life I command it to align with heaven in Jesus name.

8.) I will win every day, every week, every month, every year, everywhere, and in every way in the name of Jesus.

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