Saturday, 5 March 2022

How To Pray & Get Results - Pst. Bolaji Idowu

A lot of people spend time fasting and praying  hoping something significant will happen to them. They really want to see results and hope for help. 

There are people who are overwhelmed and stressed out and depressed. Some are married and want to have their baby, some feel under-resourced and are praying God enlarges their costs.

 Other people hear other people's testimonies and one part of them is excited, while the other is asking -  "God when will you do it for me?" Others are single and they feel the clock is ticking.

Some people pray and have no faith in the power of prayer. Almost as if "God when you're ready to answer you will answer because I've prayed & fasted all these years and there's nothing you've done."

 Sometimes you are so discouraged about prayer that you need a community to encourage you to keep praying. 

Mark 11:20 - Sometimes because the answer to prayer is not instantaneous, we think God did not hear us. But, the truth is there is a process in place that is working out your prayer being answered. 
And though you don't see your prayer answered, you have to believe that the process of answered prayer is in place.

 If you don't believe this, you will not be able to hold on and you will give up on the prayer itself. 

Jesus walked into the city and he cursed the fig tree but, when they were walking out of the city, nothing about the tree had changed when they walked past it.

 The next morning when they were coming back into the city the tree had dried up. 

The Bible explains why it took a while by mentioning it had dried up to its roots meaning; though it looked normal on the outside in the evening, inside it was drying up.

 Sometimes when you pray, when it seems like nothing is happening on the outside, it's because you don't have an internal view of what's happening on the inside. 

Sometimes you don't see what is happening that's causing the delay, which is why people are not consistent - they can't see the other side of the prayer. 

Once you are in the process of prayer and give up, either you forget about or begin to doubt it, it's like getting pregnant and aborting the baby. 

A lot of Christians pray but abort spiritual answers. They pray for things and once it doesn't happen in three months or a definite time, they abort it. 

What you must trust God in is, once you're believing for something, trust Him in timing (Hebrews 11:12). 

Patience is the ability to be constant (doing what you have to do) despite not seeing results.

 It's not enough to do it for one month, be consistent. The people that see the promise manifested are those who through faith and patience inherit it.

 While you are awaiting the answer, in that moment you stay in a place and say "Lord, it's taking 4 months but I know you are faithful, good, and you answer prayers. 

Everyone may think you are not serious for doing this, but you lift up your hands and praise because we serve a God that does not disappoint. 

When you apply that kind of attitude, you will have a testimony. The major problem is this; 

The reason many people don't see testimonies is they are not willing to stand through and stand. 
Paul says in Ephesians 6 that having done all to stand, stand. 

That means, you have practiced every spiritual principle to bring about manifestation; still stand. In the kingdom of God we can move mountains, we are not powerless.

 Mark 11:23 - Jesus began to explain how faith works with prayer. Both are spiritual principles so there is the operation of faith that is active in prayer. 

The power of God is released by faith but the force of faith is released by speaking. Until your desires are vocalised, you have no right to expect faith to work.

 This is one of the mistakes in prayer; when people go to God in prayer, they complain endlessly. God did not say 'I respond to your complaints'.

 The mountain you're praying about must be specific. Don't just say God, I'm raising money for my business. Say God my desire is for 585 million for my 2021 project.

 Don't just say "father give me a job". You can get any type of job including a menial job. 

Say "father that job in xyz company for the post of a senior analyst, I receive it by the power of the holy ghost".

 You have to be specific, don't just say "father I need a house", specify that it's a 3 bedroom house on the downside of ikoyi right in front of the water, that's what I'm looking for.

 The reason a lot of people are not specific in speaking to their problems or their desire is because there is a resident fear that the thing will not happen, so they make their prayer broad so the answer can fall inside a bracket of measurement.

  Once your prayer is predicated on fear it will never work because, things that work in the kingdom of God, are predicated upon the principle of faith.

 Others predicate their prayers on a scarcity mentality because they believe what they are asking God for is not available. 

Ephesians makes us understand God can do exceedingly abundantly above what we ask or think. 

So when your thinking is over, God can surpass it. If there's a man that can pray, there is a God that can answer.

 The problem with prayer is that there are people that don't know how to stay in the place of prayer.

 You need to stay there like Elijah who asked his servant to go check if the hand had formed in the atmosphere when he was praying for rain. 

He went the first time and there was nothing. He went back to prayer and began to persist. The servant went 7 times, some people have gone one time and give up.

 God can answer your prayer but are you persistent in prayer? Most people that are persistent in prayer, don't know how to be persistent in faith. 

They are still praying but their faith is no longer in the prayer. When there are no specific goals faith cannot work.

 There is a way that confident and bold asking invokes the power of God. To receive answers to prayers; 

One of the ways prayer works is like the way mobile banking works, someone can send you money and you will not know you have received it if you do not receive or check alerts.

 The reason people don't feel their prayers are answered is because they don't understand how prayer works, how God answers prayers, and how the answers to prayers are manifested.

 1) When you pray, one of the things God does is begin to touch the hearts of people that are influential to the fulfillment of your desire.

 There is nothing you ask God that comes as a shock to him. The fact that it occurs to your mind shows that God has supplied and provided it. Every need is a proof of a supply. 

Most of us are not sensitive to see the movement of hearts getting touched by God. God also touches the hearts of key people that can make your prayer answer manifest. 

2) Prayer gives intelligence and insight (Daniel 2:18). Sometimes when you pray the answer is not outside of yourself. 

Most often as you are praying, there's an opening up of a spiritual portal inside you. Then there's a transmission and infusion of ideas, concepts and revelation.

 Sometimes it can come during random conversations with other people, other times it's a book you're reading. 

3) Prayer breaks demonic influences (Mark 3:27) - when you're not comfortable with certain trends in your life, family, business, health etc.

 Before you start doing physical things to address your problems, you have to bind the strongman first. The root of the strongman cannot be destroyed except the strongman is bound first.

 Who is the strongman if not the devil? So before you start jumping from hospital to hospital for fibroid and infertility issues, go into the spirit and begin to paralyse, demobilise, and deactivate all the operations, policies and motions of the devil. 

Once you finish in the spiritual, the natural will align with it. What happens is most people start in the natural and want the spiritual to bless it.

 That's not how it works. You start in the spiritual. Take authority in the name of Jesus and stand upon the finished work of Christ and begin to declare. 


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