Sunday, 19 June 2022

How to receive from God - Pastor Bolaji Idowu

A lot of us have been taught how to ask but not how to receive. So you're praying for a job, child, change of financial fortune etc but don't know how to receive. 

All of a sudden people say things like I don't think God cares about or likes me. And the reason they say such things is because they have been trying to secure God's attention to change or do something but it's not happened.

So, because they don't understand they come to the conclusion that, if God is not paying attention to me then that means He doesn't like me. 

Today you would learn how to see prayer happen for you. How to see answered prayers. 

You will not just see the results of your prayers showing up, people will be coming to you to pray for them because you will start having a proven track record of answered prayers - if you're able to understand, assimulate, and practice these principles.

 One of the things we need to understand about prayer.. some people spend 80% of their time in prayer warfare, they spend 80% of their time praying against demons. 

God never invented prayer for demons, God invented prayer for you to talk to Him.  And the thing is this, the more you pray against demons, the more conscious you're aware of them. 

If you notice: when we pray, we pray our solutions, we don't pray our problems. Because the scripture (mark 11) says 'whatsoever you desire', not what you're going through. He didn't say tell me what you're going through. 

The reason is this, most people think they are praying, but they are complaining. You will notice from the wilderness that when people complain, bad things happen because, complaining attracts the work of evil spirits. 

Everytime you see people that complain a lot, something is working with them that is not human. Because in the presence of God there is fullness of joy. So in the presence of Satan what will be there? - sadness, complaining, sorrow. 

And I'm saying so because there are some people that have this really bad view of life. When something goes wrong they always see what is wrong. 

That is no way to live as a Christian, a Christian always sees what is right, what God is doing, and possibilities. Everybody saw Lazarus in the tomb, what did Jesus say? ; "I am the resurrection and the life." 

Jesus never made mistakes with his words. When at Lazarus's tomb, He didn't say 'I am the light of the world', he said "I am the resurrection and the life." 

You know why? 

Because there was death there, and instead of confessing death, he confessed what he wanted to see. When they brought a man that was blind, to Jesus, he said "I am the light of the world."

The challenge is this - you keep saying what you are feeling and confirming what you are feeling. 

What should you do? - say what you believe, say what you want. In Genesis chapter 1-3 God said 'let there be light' (darkness was there). 

He didn't say what he saw, he said what he wanted. I know the economy is down but that's not what you want, what you want is green everywhere. 

I know that people are suffering, that's not what you want. What you want is that "I shall not want." 

It's time for you to begin to say what you want. I know that a lot of people are single but that's not what you want. What you want is marriage so why not say what you want. 

That's what the Bible says- that God calleth the things that be not as though they were. See what the bible says - that God calls light out of darkness. How do you call out light out of darkness? Because the word that God speaks itself is creative. 

So if God's word is creative then your words are creative because you have the nature of God. Because you have the life of God. 1Peter says we are partakers of his divine nature. We are sharers in his nature. 

The reason I don't crawl is because I am human, a human gave birth to me. So because I'm human, I behave like human so if God gave birth to me when I became born again, I behave like God. I'm a partaker of his nature. 

How do I behave like God? - I call into existence what I want to see. Lets turn to Luke 19:44 - Is it possible for God to want to do something in your life and you don't receive it? 

Because people think "I thought if God wants to do something he'll just do it himself. Listen to me, there are stories in the Bible where God wanted to give someone a husband, give someone a child, heal someone of a heart problem, change someone's financial situation and he couldn't.

 Someone says "really?" Let's read the Bible... Luke 19:44 these people in this verse actually missed their visitation. The reason why they missed it was because they did not know the time of their visitation. That's one instance.  

In Mark 6:4 it wasn't that Jesus wasn't willing to perform mighty works but that he tried but it failed. This is Jesus that has the holy ghost power and no deficit at all. Jesus marveled not because God didn't want to touch them but because of their unbelief. 

Question: Is it possible that God is trying to get a miracle to you and you're not receiving it? The Bible then says he went round the villages teaching. This is important because: Prayer cannot solve unbelief. 

How do you solve unbelief or a wrong mindset? - teaching. What is teaching? - Hearing preaching. 

This is the reason why you have people; they attend all kind of prayer meetings, they fast 50 days..70 days.. And nothing changes. You know why? Although they're praying, they're categorically praying in unbelief. 

And their unbelief limits their prayer. The problem is the way you believe, you believe that God doesn't want to help you. You believe that God can do it but not for you. You believe that your sins are so many that God cannot help you. 

If human beings that are wicked do not punish sins twice, God does not punish forgiven sin. When Jesus died on the cross it says behold the lamb of God that taketh away the sins of the world. How does God forgive you on one hand and punish you on the other? 

What you don't know is this - the person that made you sin, his name is satan. The reason why he made you sin is because he wants to weaken your faith. So when you sin, he goes behind you again and begins to accuse you. 

That's why the Bible calls him the accuser of the brethren. He puts all this guilt in your heart. 

He says "YOU, you don't give to God that's why you're in financial problem, YOU see all the girls you slept with, you're not faithful to your wife. YOU, see what you did as a single person, God is punishing you in return."

 He does that because the moment he makes you think that you're responsible for the wrong that's happening to you, you cannot rebuke him. So, it's a cunning, crafty method to say "you can't rebuke me because you're responsible."

Someone said to me when I asked why he didn't come to Church last Sunday that his girlfriend slept over and they had sex so he felt guilty and didn't come to Church. But..the Church is a hospital, so when you get sick, start coming. 

The reason why the devil keeps you away is this... Someone says " but when I come to Church, won't God be angry?

Hold on, you need to come to Church for God
to know you sinned? Your God must be very small. Let me shock you, before you thought about it, God knew you would sin. 

The more sin conscious you are, the more your prayers will not be answered. You know why? James 5 (the prayer of a righteous man avails much) it's righteousness-consciousness that makes prayer powerful. 

A lot of people say the reason I don't pray is because I'm not good enough for answered prayers because of all the bad things I did. 

And God is saying "what are you talking about? I don't even answer your prayers because of you. I answer them because of Jesus." 

Unbelief is actually a belief system that is against the word of God. The word of God says none shall lack a mate, your belief system says "who is there to marry me?" 

That thinking (who is there to marry me?) is unbelief. It's a belief system that is opposing God's word. 

God's word says there shall none be barren, but you say "the doctors says I cannot have a child". That means you trust the doctor over God's word.

It says whose report shall you believe? It says we shall believe the report of the Lord. 

Bible says sin will not have Dominion over me, Unbelief says I can't do without masturbating, I'm so stuck on nicotine, I'm so stuck with sex. How can you say that when the Bible says sin will not have Dominion over you?

Someone says "but that's the reality, I cannot help but masturbate. I've tried so many times" 

I understand your frustration but why is it called belief? If it's in the physical, you don't have to believe. It's called belief because it's something you can't see or touch. 

All of you in this auditorium, you don't believe you're seeing me, you know you're seeing me. 

So the reason we believe the word of God is because our senses cannot touch, taste, or feel it. 

So it's a decision we make that "this is my reality. This is the truth I believe."

You can pray from now till next generation, if you have unbelief, your unbelief will cancel your prayers. And that's why unfortunately, a lot of people that pray a lot, don't see the results of their prayers. Have you noticed that? 

And the reason why is that, once they pray a lot and don't see the result, they intensify the prayers, then they move to warfare prayers, then they don't see results and say "God hates me." 

How do you make your prayer powerful? By the time it's supported by a belief system on God's word, your prayer will be more powerful.

 You don't increase the power of your prayer by voice, crying, or rolling on the chair. You increase the potency of prayer by increasing the potency of the word.

Prayer itself is not what produces the power. Have you noticed something? And this is going to disturb a lot of your minds. 

In Ephesians 6 where it talks about spiritual armour, is prayer mentioned? No

There is nowhere in the Bible that tells us that prayer is power, the Bible says prayer makes power available, it doesn't say that prayer is power. 

What does the Bible tell us is power? Hebrews 4:12, Luke 1
The word of God is power, it's like a bullet. What is prayer? It's the gun. So once I load the gun with the bullet and cock the gun, you start running.

 What happens to most people that pray without the word is this; there's a lot of gun cocking, but no bullet. So all we hear is noise, no results. All we see is vibration, no results. 

Because there is no bullet in the gun. You want to make your prayer powerful? Load it with the word and see what will happen.  

God is not going to say "you... just take." A lot of it has to do with you. The Bible says everyone that asketh, receiveth. If you're the one that is asking, you must receive. 

A lot of people know how to ask, but they don't know how to receive. James 4:3 says 'you ask and receive not.' Does it say that God does not give? No but that's what we normally say. 

You asked for the job, child, marriage, breakthrough but did not receive. James 1:6-7 shows that the question is not that God won't give him, but more that he won't receive because he's like the waves, not stable. 

Today "I receive the job", tomorrow "I don't have the job". Today "I believe I'm healed" tomorrow "I don't believe I'm healed." It doesn't say because he's wavering God did not do it. 

Religion has told you that everytime there's no manifestation, God has not done it. But I'm saying to you according to the Bible, most times when there's no manifestation it's because you did not receive. 

Acts 14:8 Paul perceived the man had faith. Some people have faith for a breakthrough but don't know they do. Once you have faith all you have to do is step out.

 It is possible not to know how to receive from God. Your capacity to receive will determine the manifestation that you see.

So why don't we receive from the Lord?
1) Vagueness - e.g I want God to bless me financially. When you get a cheque of $100 hasn't God blessed you financially? 

But you say - "why am I getting $100?" But that's what you said you wanted - for God to bless you financially. Is $100 not financial blessing?

But you were never specific in what you said. And the reason is because you were afraid that if you were specific it will not happen. So even your asking is based on fear and...Prayer works by faith. 

You say "I want a job". Then find out the job pays $200 per month, then you say "what kind of job is this?" But you said you wanted a job. 

Angels are used by God to answer people. If you're not clear on what you want, how will the angel know what you want? 

Because the Bible did not say angels read minds. Be specific, write the things you want down. 

2) Wrong mentality - thinking God doesn't like you, he's like a headmaster looking for your sin, God is this terrible person that's going to do something bad to you etc

Do you know who God is? Nobody knows God like Jesus. Everybody that spoke about God in the scriptures saw a small side of God. What did Jesus call God? He said father. 

That means the biggest revelation of God that we know is father. All the big names we call him (Jehovah, alagbada ina, oyigiyigi etc) are just descriptions. Who is he to you? - Father. 

When I was a young child and saw my Dad, nothing was too expensive when my dad was there. There was no problem I could not overcome if my dad was there. And God says, "know me as your father, pray to me like your father. I have plans for you"

If human fathers can have plans for their children, what about your heavenly father that has complete knowledge. 

But what happens is this .. Wrong teaching, equals to wrong believing, which equals to wrong results. 

Just like how people say "when you sin God does not talk to you" excuse me... When Adam and Eve committed the biggest sin, who was looking for them? Was it not God? After that, Cain killed Abel, who was talking to Cain? Was it not God? 

Judas Iscariot was going to sell him off, Jesus Christ said continue. The bad thing is we've been taught so many religious things that it's affected our belief system.

 Someone says, 'for you to be healed you have to sow a seed' - it's crazy, you can't buy a blessing.

 Everytime I give, I do so because I know God is faithful. It's a giving of Thanksgiving that says Lord.. you're faithful to me - that's why I don't give small. 

My giving is a demonstration of my faith, I'm not trying to bribe God to do something. You can't buy a blessing.

Most people think about God the way they think about their earthly father and that affects them. 

Most people don't value and love themselves so they can't fathom that God would love them. 

If you don't love yourself, it will be difficult to believe that God loves you. You will struggle. 

The idea will be strange that the owner of the heaven and earth will pay attention to me if nobody will pay attention to me. Because you can't even pay attention to yourself. 

How do you receive? 

Believe - Become certain of what you don't see (e.g. when you get a cheque, you don't yet have the money and it could bounce, but you feel rich, that's the same way you should act in faith for what you're believing for) 

Mark 11:24 - believing is receiving, receiving is believing. Prayer time is receiving time. Some people say they are prayer warriors, I'm a receiving warrior. 

Sometimes Satan wants to test that you believe what you say so he's obstinate but you have to stand in that belief. 

Believing is not psychology. Sometimes when you pray about something, it gets worse, and you leave it which shouldn't be. Don't change what you believe because things got worse. 

Once you have revelation, your results will change. The moment you believe is the moment you receive. Sometimes what you say is cancelling your miracle, that's why the angel made Zacharias dumb, so he wouldn't do that. 

Galatians 3:2-5 - there is a connection between hearing and receiving. The more you hear the word, the more your belief and faith is stronger, the more you receive. 

Faith is stronger when it's in your mouth. That's why you should confess scriptures. The more you're hearing, the more you're receiving, the more you're believing, the more faith is being built. 

You've prayed a lot, its time to start receiving. How do you receive? By believing. How do you believe? By hearing. How do you hear? Hearing the word. Hear the messages shared in church and say scriptures to yourself. 

When the chibok girls were kidnapped, a story came out in the newspapers that when it was time to rescue them; 

Some of the girls said "we don't want to be rescued. We love these men, we love what they do, we believe in their cause right now."

 These were girls that a year ago, hated them, cried everyday for their parents to come and pick them. So what changed? 

The more they stayed with those people and the more those people spoke to them, they understood them, they saw things from their perspectives. As they saw things from their perspective, their mindsets changed.

 As their mindsets changed, their response changed, their actions changed, their behaviour changed, what they accepted as normal changed. 

You've accepted poverty as normal because that's what you've seen. You've accepted terrible marriages as normal because that's what you've seen. You've accepted health challenges as normal because that's what you've seen. Change 

How do you change? Stay around faith filled people and places and feed your mind with faith materials.


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