Tuesday, 18 August 2020

Escaping the Cage of Time Wasters - Dr. D.K. Olukoya

Opening Prayer Session
(Sing praise and worship)

(1.) Every dark power contending for my portion your time is up die in the name of Jesus.

(2.) My pending miracles, my pending breakthroughs; manifest by fire in the name of Jesus, amen.

(3.) Blood drinkers of the night my life is not your candidate die in the name of Jesus.

(4.) Goliath that stopped my parents hear the word of the Lord you cannot stop me; therefore die! in the name of Jesus.

Thank you Jesus.

In Psalm 90:12 it says "Teach us to number our days that we may apply our hearts to wisdom."

In modern day English, it means - Teach us to cautiously guard our lives, so that we won't waste time and we will apply our lives to wisdom.

The best of your time is spent with the Lord so don't be hasty to run away from that place (Psalms 31:14-15).

In Ecclesiastes 3:1, The bible tells us that onto everything there is time allotted (for everything under the sun).

In Ephesians 5:14-15 You can see the seriousness of this matter in the scriptures...

Redeeming the Time
⏳Time is the coin of life; if you are not careful, other people will spend it for you.

⏱️It is the most valuable thing a man can spend. It is free but priceless; once you've lost it, you can never get it back.

⌚It is more valuable than money; you can get more money but you cannot get more time.

⌛Lost time is never found again no wonder they taught us in school they say "tick says the clock, tick, tick what you have to do, do quick."

⏲️Time is not a friend of anybody it does not co-operate with anybody, but it is you that will have to co-operate with him.

๐Ÿ•ฐ️The bottom line is this beloved; we do not really waste time, it is our selves we are wasting. Once you are wasting time you are wasting yourself, and there's no way you can kill time without injuring eternity.

๐Ÿ•ฅThe bad news is that time flies like an aeroplane but the good news is that you are the pilot.

๐Ÿ›Ž️That is why somebody says if you cannot turn back the clock it's gone, and when time is killed beloved; there is no resurrection.

⏰So there is no killing time, it is really spiritual suicide because time wasted is existence used up and one thing you cannot recycle is wasted time.

⏱️By  rule, as a matter of necessity if you waste time; time will waste you.

⏳This is a very serious matter which is why the Psalmist says "So teach us to number our days."

๐Ÿ•ฐ️I don't know how old you are now you may even be rejoicing that you are young I feel sorry for you if you say "I still have time" and then choose to be dancing away your life in useless parties, chatting away useful parts of your life, and or sitting down to talk absolute rubbish with anybody that has no bearing to your life of destiny.

⌚What is a tragedy indeed is that in the olden days, they used to say a fool at 40 is a fool forever... No! if you are a fool at 20 you are possibly one forever.

 - At the age of 9, the Lord pushed Samuel out and he became a national prophet.

- At age 30 Jesus started his ministry.

- At the age of 80 Moses started his ministry at old age.

⏰I don't know how old you are now but I know that there will not be many people here that are 80 years old.

๐Ÿ•›There are people who think they have plenty of time but they have very little time.

๐Ÿ•ขI want you to understand that the time you are wasting away doing useless things; that time you can't analyse how you spent is waste of life.

⏲️Let it be very clear to you now the only place you should not hurry to get away from is the presence of the Lord.

๐Ÿ•ฐ️So to become a man of the hour you must make every minute of your life count.

๐Ÿ•žWhen you arrange your life well, it is the mark of a well arranged mind.

๐Ÿ•ขIf you do not take time, time will take you and time cannot be bribed.

๐Ÿ•ฐ️If you keep wasting time then you have not learnt the value of life.

⏲️If you sit down and analyse how you have spoken to someone for 2 hours and ask yourself;

"This discussion now, what has it achieved?"

"What have I gained here now?"

"This discussion what has it given to me?"

So....it is not how long you live, but how well you live.

⏳It is not being a modern-day Methuselah that matters. He was old but we didn't read that he built altars preached to others that God spoke to him. 

⏳All we read about him was that he was just old very old. How long have you been in Christ? What have you used that time to do in Heaven?

⏳If the records of heaven are brought out you may be surprised to find that the time you think you have spent you have actually wasted.

⏳The wheels of chariots of time do not wait for anybody but are always moving forward. God's time is moving hour by hour, minute by minute, second by second.

⏳Some foolish people think that they can live by any schedule they choose and that in their own time when they fancy it, they will now be serious.

⏳There you make a mistake; a great one. I pray the Lord will help us.

⏳The way you spend your hours and days is the way you spend your life.

⏳The management of time is the management of your days. Immediately a man is born his time begins; and if you take care of that time, when you are in charge of the time, then you will do well.

⏳If you do not take care of that time, it will take care of you and wreck you.

⏳What do we mean by time thieves and robbers?

⌚Who and who are in this cage? 

⌚A time waster is anything that you allow to occupy your time which is not necessary.

⌚Anything that prevents you from doing necessary things -- necessary things are not done but yet time is going.

๐Ÿ›Ž️If you can read junk magazines page to page, along with obituaries and back covers of papers for hours but not read your bible for 5 minutes without falling asleep; there is a problem.

List of Time Wasters
(1.) Idleness or sloth - Sitting doing nothing contributing nothing and when asked what they are doing they say I'm relaxing when told that the issue needs to be taken more seriously they say "Relax God is in control." 

A lot of people are idle yet praying for God to bless them. It is not possible; that's why the bible says "whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with all thy might." Time idling could be spent working for the Lord; invest it into heaven.

(2.) Excessive sleep - Sleeping long at home, then in church.

(3.) Inordinate adorning of the body - Some people spend 1 hour in the bathroom in front of the mirror wasting time away; admiring themselves in the mirror.

(4.) Unnecessary ceremonies - Something that can be done in 5 minutes; 2 hours is spent doing it. This is a demon particularly in the yoruba part of this nation (Nigeria).

(5.) Unnecessary curiousity - Peeping at someone else through the window to find out what they are doing.

(6.) Needless celebrations - Celebrating what God has done for you and feeding human beings who contributed nothing towards it.

(7.) Gluttony - Time spent over-eating.

(8.) Drinking alcohol - every time you do this you are wasting time and robbers will tell you "Your money or your life"; alcohol will tell you "Your money AND your life."
All drunkards are time wasters.

(9.) Idle talk - Conversations that carry no fire๐Ÿ”ฅ/ have no bearing to your life; plus gossiping and useless talk.

(10.) Vain & sinful company - Friends that are not contributing to your life; they never discuss anything that will help anybody's destiny.

(11.) Needless inordinate sports & games - A new testament christian will not sit down and be playing ludo, whot, joker for hours on end.

(12.) Excess of worldly cares and business - Overthinking about the cares of life that will fizzle away.

(13.) Ungoverned and sinful thoughts - Thinking vain and worldly thoughts sometimes even undergoing an exercise in self-pity.

(14.) Reading useless books that can't help move your destiny or life forward.

(15.) Unprofitable studies undertaken for vain glory - Taking courses seeking the glory of man.

(16.) Unsanctified and ungodly heart - Wicked hearts that plan deceit.

(17.) Procrastination - "I will do that tomorrow" -- You keep pushing back things until you find out you have wasted time.

(18.) Excessive computer usage 

(19.) T.V addiction - A lot of lives have been wasted because they use full time they have for the Lord; they have spent it in front of the box.

(20.) Telephone addiction - The only reason some people use of their phones is controlled is because they don't have credit.

(21.) Disorganization 

(22.) Vain interruptions - Uninvited interruption.

(23.) Saying yes to everything

(24.) Useless entertainment - Entertaining yourself and others while gaining nothing.

(25.) Spreading yourself too thin by trying to do too many things at once - Makes you a jack of all trades and master of none 

(26.) Being afraid to delegate - Not wanting others to do anything for you but wanting to do everything by yourself.

(27.) Social media addiction - Enjoy reading about and watching the lives of others and spending majority of your day doing that.

(28.) Drop-in visitors - Unexpected visitors that waste your time.

(29.) Unscheduled meetings

(30.) Lack of objectives and priorities

"Tick says the clock anything you want to do do it quick."

The person who invented photography was a soldier who spent his spare time experimenting as opposed to loafing about.

The value of time arises from the fact that it is short, uncertain, irrecoverable; the hand of the clock can never be turned back.

How to escape the cage of time wasters
(1.) You must make God your friend so he becomes the director of your life and determines how you spend your life.

(2.) You must surrender every aspect of your life to the lord so that he is fully in charge.

(3.) Identify your priorities and destiny in life so you don't waste time doing things that are irrelevant to your life.

(4.) Keep away from things or people that waste time submit your time into the hands of the Lord as the psalmist did my times are in your hands deliver me from the hands of the enemy.

(5.) Pray time wastage out of your life.

(6.) Pray in divine orderliness to your life line upon line precept upon precept.

Ask God to forgive you for wasting time in your life.

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