21 Ancient Secrets: Dr. D.K. Olukoya MFM
- Whenever you're stronger than your boss, hide it so you don't get destroyed; as, you do not know what kind of heart they have.
- You have more to fear from friends than from enemies. They have more ability of hiding unpleasant characteristics
- When your intention is unknown, no one can prepare a defense. You must conceal your purpose at a stage. Don't reveal your secrets until they cannot be opposed
- When you cannot improve on your silence keep shut. Say only what is absolutely necessary. The more words you speak, the more words are available to be questioned. Your silence makes others uncomfortable. You appear more profound and mysterious the less you say: Even if you're not. Don't speak before asking; Is it true? Is it kind? Does it edify? Is it necessary? Is it godly? Will it hurt anybody? Will it improve on the silence? Silence is the ultimate weapon of power. Silence is to the spirit what sleep is to the body (refreshing & nourishing).
- Ensure that you guard your good name with your life. Reputation is the cornerstone of power.
- Do everything in your power to stand out & be a pace setter. Refuse to be lost or buried in the crowd. Become a magnet of positive attention wherever you are. Attach your name & reputation to quality that will set you apart.
- Learn to utilize the knowledge of the past. Climb the shoulders of Giants. Profit through others experience, study history of your environment. Don't leave any ministry or organization in a messy manner as that is dangerous.
- Associate yourself with those who can move you forward and add to your life. In life you meet those who subtract from you, those who add value & virtue to your life, those who hate you but love what you have & those assigned to waste you. If you're scoring zero your best friend shouldn't be someone doing same. Don't associate with those who share your defeat else they will reinforce it.
- Find a way to develop powerful skills so that you can be magnetic
- Be honest and be generous. Build a reputation for those two traits. The children of the generous never suffer.
- Know about your enemy. Find out the secret of the enemy and his intention so you don't shoot aimlessly as a Christian soldier. We should not be ignorant of his devices or else he will take advantage.
- Do not stop halfway in crushing the enemy or else he will recover and finish you off. Have no mercy on them; soldiers are not taught to shoot the enemy in the leg. Malaria remnants stay in the liver even when killed in the blood. There are prayers you can pray to break the covenant between you and malaria as every blackman has a covenant with malaria.
- The more you are seen or heard, the more common you appear. You must learn when to leave. The commoner you seem the more your value goes down. Do not overstay your welcome. When what you are offering to the world is rare, you increase your value. Increase your value with occasional withdrawal.
- Study people the way you study mathematics. Understand the people you are dealing with and do not offend the wrong person. You will find that most people are very good but the bad ones are few.
- Deep fools rush to take sides in a quarell
- Learn to fight and learn to flee. When you know you are weaker, don't fight for the sake of pride; run! It is wise to play dead to save your life. Then you can come back with a devastating counter blow. God made Jesus run away from Herod because he was too physically small and weak to fight. There is a time to take cover and a time to take over. Observe regular retreat for regular fire. Note that if you refuse to go on retreat because of fear of rebels taking over the institution you preside over, rebels will always be rebels whether you are there or not.
- Understand the principles of line upon line and precept upon precept. Concentrate on a single goal at once. Beat it to submission. The hunter cannot hit two targets at the same time. Have a goal.
- You must re-invent or recreate yourself. Inherited characteristics shouldn't determine who you are. You deal with your weaknesses. If you don't re-invent yourself, you stay in that personality mold till you die.
- Master the techniques of timing. Do not waste time. Do the right thing at the right time. Time is not the friend of anyone. The great fool wastes money but the greatest fools waste time.
- Anger must die. Anger is madness and any minister who still gets angry has a very long way to go. Anger has destroyed so many people. The enemy can use it as a ladder to get you.
- You must cure yourself from the famine of reading. You must be a reader interested in books. Pastoral reading sicknesses: There are those who hate reading & prefer listening. There are those who hate studying, there are those who have no reference Bibles at all. There are epileptic readers (read today, then don't read till two weeks time). One book per year reader. Pamphlet pastors read only tracts. Browsers just buy the book and browse. Low interest readers. Those who are always bored after light reading. Sleeping tablet readers use the Bible as a sedative. Acquire but not reading pastors. Pastors that have not read the Bible through. Procrastinating pastors. "Read and brief me" pastors. I am too old pastors. Memory failure pastors. Sponge readers pick a few drops here and there. Any one who doesn't read will never rise to the top. The whole world is practically a slave to those who are readers. An average pastor should read at least five good books a year to be successful.
1 I fire back every arrow fired into my brain in the name of Jesus (put your right hand on your head)
2 Every power that pursued my parents and are now pursuing me, die in the name of Jesus
3 My mouth become the arrow of God in the name of Jesus
4 Every power mocking my ministry you are a liar die in the name of Jesus.
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