Sunday 19 June 2022

How to receive from God - Pastor Bolaji Idowu

A lot of us have been taught how to ask but not how to receive. So you're praying for a job, child, change of financial fortune etc but don't know how to receive. 

All of a sudden people say things like I don't think God cares about or likes me. And the reason they say such things is because they have been trying to secure God's attention to change or do something but it's not happened.

Saturday 5 March 2022

15 Lessons I Learnt In 15 Years - Mildred Kingsley - Okonkwo

1.) Marriage is the responsibility of two people not just one.

2.) Put your vows above your feelings.

3.) Keep no secrets from each other (e.g. debt, emotional attractions to other people, infidelity etc).

4.) See yourselves as a team on the same side

5.) Marriage is work (be very mindful of this but don't make it a chore)

How To Pray & Get Results - Pst. Bolaji Idowu

A lot of people spend time fasting and praying  hoping something significant will happen to them. They really want to see results and hope for help. 

There are people who are overwhelmed and stressed out and depressed. Some are married and want to have their baby, some feel under-resourced and are praying God enlarges their costs.

 Other people hear other people's testimonies and one part of them is excited, while the other is asking -  "God when will you do it for me?" Others are single and they feel the clock is ticking.

Some people pray and have no faith in the power of prayer. Almost as if "God when you're ready to answer you will answer because I've prayed & fasted all these years and there's nothing you've done."

 Sometimes you are so discouraged about prayer that you need a community to encourage you to keep praying. 

Mark 11:20 - Sometimes because the answer to prayer is not instantaneous, we think God did not hear us. But, the truth is there is a process in place that is working out your prayer being answered. 

Thursday 6 January 2022

Hannah's heart - For those waiting on God for children

Pastor Mr. and Mrs Okonkwo guide couples on a spiritual journey of faith towards conception of the fruit of the womb.

Sunday 19 December 2021

Discovering & Fulfilling Purpose - Jimi Tewe

This short and sharp exposé by Mr. Jimi Tewe explains what it means to discover purpose (the God way) as well as what that entails.

4 Things a man should have before you marry him - Apostle Joshua Selman

1. God fearing (have reverence for & submit to him as the final authority in all matters).

Your Joy & The Enemy - Dr. Paul Eneche

Your joy and the enemy
What happens around you is not as important as what happens in you. You can control what happens in you.

Joy is a choice not a gift

How to know if he or she really loves you - Kingsley Okonkwo

He will be proud to step out with you as his partner

Sunday 19 September 2021

Why is my prayer not working? - Pastor Bolaji Idowu

Paraphrased excerpts

Some people ask, why should I pray? God should already know what I want.

Prayer is permitting God to do what we want (e.g. A landlord has to get authorization to enter in his tenant's flat and fix faulty plumbing, so also God has to be given authorization through your prayers, for Him to act in your life).

Sunday 22 August 2021

Fainting spirit : Dr. Olukoya mfm

Opening prayer: You Giants roaming around on my promised Land your time is up die in the name of Jesus.